Why, Dean, Why?

What to do when you spend millions of your own money, get less than 20% of the votes, and get creamed by a guy whose name didn’t even appear on the ballot?

Photo by Glen Stubbe, Star Tribune

Declare that you won and the actual winner is hopelessly weak!

“We just earned 20% tonight and no one knew who we were!”

Enough said. The absurdity of it all speaks for itself.

7 thoughts on “Why, Dean, Why?

  1. It is hard for me to find a more plausible theory of Phillips’ candidacy than ego. He’s torched his future political prospects unless he wants to wade into the GOP/MAGA world and he’s done nothing except make himself an object of curiosity and ridicule.

    I’ve met the Congressman maybe five times in my life – maybe enough times that he sorta recognize me – and would say this to his face: Stop. The only people benefitting are the vendors who will take your money for as long as you’re willing to pay and even they are laughing at you as they order another Buffalo Trace on the rocks with your money.

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