Retraction and Apology

Earlier today, I posted a column critical of House leaders for, as the Star Tribune originally reported, shutting off the sound system in reaction to anti-gay remarks made by Rep. Glenn Gruenhagen (R-Glencoe).

House Speaker Paul Thissen (DFL-Minneapolis) noted in our comment section that this never happened.  I indicated at that time that I would retract the post if I learned that the sound was not turned off.  The Star Tribune has subsequently clarified its earlier account:

According to Thissen spokesman Michael Howard, although there was audio silence in the recording of the floor session immediately following Gruenhagen’s statement, the House sound was not actively turned off. Instead, the silence occurred because no microphones were activated at that time.

As soon as I learned this, I immediately removed the critical post, since the action I was criticizing apparently never happened. I apologize.

– Loveland

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About Joe Loveland

I've worked for politicians, a PR firm, corporations, nonprofits, and state and federal government. Since 2000, I've run a PR and marketing sole proprietorship. I think politics is important, maddening, humorous and good fodder for a spirited conversation. So, I hang out here when I need a break from life.