A Cujo Presidency

Guest post by Noel Holston

In an article for The Guardian, Stephen King, man of letters and master of horrors, talked about two characters he created who kinda-sorta predict the rise of Donald J. Trump.

I know what you’re thinking, but no, he didn’t mention Cujo or the clown-faced maniac in It.

In The Dead Zone (1979), there’s Greg Stillson, a snake-oily Bible salesman who flimflams his way to a mayor’s post, the U.S. House and finally the Presidency, where he starts a world war. King also points to Under the Dome (2009), in which he gave readers Big Jim Rennie, a self-promoting car salesman and small-town alderman whose authoritarian tendencies grow stronger and sociopathic when his community is cut off from world by a mysterious, impenetrable bubble.

I can see King’s points, especially the huckster part, but for me, his more prescient novel is The Stand, an epic tale of life in America after a laboratory-engineered super-flu wipes out 99 percent of the human population. Published in 1978, The Stand was soon being hailed for its uncanny anticipation of AIDS and other virulent new threats to human health.

That’s not the prescience I’m talking about. The more interesting parallel today is King’s meticulous laying out of a crisis of American democracy.

We hear constantly about the “polarization” afoot in our supposedly United States, of red-blue rifts over immigration, guns, minority rights and government’s societal role that end friendships, divide families, even provoke mass shooters.

The website FiveThirtyEight recently posted an interview with a guy who believes our nation has become ungovernable, “run its course,” and should be divided up into five or six separate countries: a Left Coast strip that includes California, for instance, and a Dixie-fried aggregation that includes most of the old Confederacy.

And speaking of the Great Secession, we’ve all heard murmurings, nervous speculation, that we could be headed for an actual civil war. Heard it, or read it on Facebook or Twitter.

In The Stand’s decimated America, the poles are amplified. Survivors of the apocalyptic disease are assembling under distinct banners for a war for the nation’s soul. (Heard that phrase lately? If not, you obviously haven’t been watching the Democratic Party’s televised debates.)

In Las Vegas, good ol’ Sin City, an army’s worth of the criminal, the bitter, the resentful,  the envious and the toady  – a basket of deplorables, some might call them – is in the sway a seductive demagogue-cum-devil who goes by the name of Randall Flagg and makes them all feel important, useful, wanted. They’ve happily embraced tyranny.

On the other side of the Rockies, in Boulder, Colorado, another legion is forming, this one united around the notion of rebooting the nation that the super-flu has laid to waste, not just the machinery but the republic that was.

In a key passage, Stuart Redman, a classic reticent-reluctant American hero, gets down to brass tacks over a jug of wine with Glen Bateman, a sociology professor who exists as a character in large part to theorize and philosophize on behalf of author.

Bateman says their first task must be to “re-create” America, albeit in miniature. He says they’d need to call a meeting of all the survivors in Boulder and “read and ratify” the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

“Christ, Glen, we’re all Americans…,” Redman interjects.

“No, that’s where you’re wrong,” Bateman responds. “We’re a bunch of survivors with no government at all. We’re a hodgepodge collection from every age group, religious group, class group and racial group. Government is an idea, Stu.”

He goes on to say they need to act quickly. “Our people here are very soon going to wake up to the fact that the old ways are gone, and that they can restructure society any old way they want. We want – we need – to catch them before they wake up and do something nutty.”

We obviously still have a government, gridlocked though it too often is. And Trump is no Randall Flagg; he’s a needy, greedy man, not a supernatural creature. Nonetheless, we do find ourselves in a tricky situation, disorganized and disunited.  And arguably the scariest thing, with regard to our Republic’s vulnerability, is that it didn’t take a plague to get us here.

Note: Noel Holston is a freelance writer who lives in Athens, Georgia. He’s a contributing essayist to Medium.com, TVWorthWatching.com, and other websites. He previously wrote about television and radio at Newsday (200-2005) and, as a crosstown counterpart to the Pioneer Press’s Brian Lambert, at the Star Tribune  (1986-2000).  He’s the author of “Life After Deaf: My Misadventures in Hearing Loss and Recovery,” which is scheduled for publication fall of 2019 by Skyhorse.

2 thoughts on “A Cujo Presidency

  1. I read a lot of science fiction – nowadays it’s called speculative fiction I guess – but I’ve never clicked with Stephen King.

    A fair amount of the near-future stuff includes a balkanized or much-reduced United States. As an aside, not many of them talk about what happens to Minnesota in the great break-up. Probably we get annexed by Canada. There are days when I want to invite them in and learn the words to “O’ Canada.”

    The larger point, though, is dead-on. Our society – any society – works because the vast majority of us agree to a shared set of delusions: lines on the roadway make it safe to race within inches of other vehicles, little pieces of paper or plastic have value, we receive equal justice under the law, we hold these truths to be self-evident, etc. Once enough of us stop believing in those fictions, the American experiment is over and can be marked “Failed, not sustainable in the long-term.”

    • Well, if we’re headed for a dystopian future, better a Stephen King version, I suppose, than a Cormac McCarthy.

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