Identity Disclosure Now Required For Comments

I’ve been weighing whether to require use of names when commenting, and not posting the comments when it looks as if a false name is  used.  Here’s how I broke it down:

CONS of Requiring Names

  • Less Participation.  Limits participation in the comments section, including some extremely thoughtful, respectful anonymous commenters.
  • Less Candor.  Limits candor in the comments section.

PROS of Requiring Names

  • More Personal Responsibility.  Holds folks personally responsible for their words.
  • More Fairness.  Treats everyone equally – all disclose identities, not just some.
  • More Respect.  Limits aggressive, disrespectful and rude commentary that always comes with blogosphere anonymity, and drives readers away.

There are arguments on both sides, to be sure.  It’s not an easy call.  I especially hate to lose valued anonymous commenters who are thoughtful and respectful.  And I hate to see fewer comments, which will happen.  But in the end,  I’ve decided to err on the side of disclosure and personal responsibility, and live with the consequences.

New Identity Disclosure Rule.  First and last names are now required for commenting.  If it looks like a fake name, it won’t be approved until the commenter can show it is a real name. The burden of proof is on the commenter.  If the identify disclosure rule prevents you from commenting, I understand, and hope you will still come by for a read.

This entry was posted in blogging rules, Housekeeping, Poltiics by Joe Loveland. Bookmark the permalink.

About Joe Loveland

I've worked for politicians, a PR firm, corporations, nonprofits, and state and federal government. Since 2000, I've run a PR and marketing sole proprietorship. I think politics is important, maddening, humorous and good fodder for a spirited conversation. So, I hang out here when I need a break from life.